Ceud mìle fàilte!
Welcome to the Mallard Lodge Household in the Kingdom of Atlantia
(Society For Creative Anachronism)
Welcome to the Mallard Lodge Household in the Kingdom of Atlantia
(Society For Creative Anachronism)
Mallard Lodge Household Arms
Our fierce war cry, "Duck! Duck!"
Mallard Lodge is devoted to the study and reenactment of all things Scottish (except haggis!), particularly the late 15th and early 16th century periods. Additional posts to this blog include various handouts from University of Atlantia classes on Scotland or other topics for your enlightenment, discussion and approval.
Currently Mallard Lodge has but two members, Lady Sarah Sinclair and Lord Mungo Napier, who are late 15th century Lowland Scots now residing in the Kingdom of Atlantia's Shire of Isenfir. Mallard Lodge, not surprisingly, is our manor house.
Lord Mungo sometimes masquerades as The Scarlet Varlet, defender of the weak and oppressed (for a price; ask about our quantity discounts). He also occasionally appears in a late 16th century persona as the kilted Highland trouble-maker Duncan an Crabbit (aka Duncan the Crabby).
We welcome inquiries about Scottish history, culture, costume, or weapons, and are happy to advise Scadians who wish to create a Scottish persona. You can reach us at .SCA members from any kingdom who are interested in becoming associate members of Mallard Lodge are most welcome.
We Scots are always recruiting!